• Mer. Feb 12th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Official discovery of the legendary island of AtlantisOfficial discovery of the legendary island of Atlantis
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Study Information


Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican geological block, today half-submerged under the Mediterranean Sea. The pillars of Heracles are in Carloforte, as demonstrated by Prof. Giorgio Saba in his books. The western Mediterranean Sea was called Atlantic Ocean in Timaeus and Critias.

Design Plan

Study type

Meta-Analysis – A systematic review of published studies.


  • No blinding is involved in this study.

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In my pursuit to confirm the status of the Sardinian-Corsican block approximately 11,000 years ago, I sought validation from a well-known Italian geologist. I approached her with information regarding the existence of a submerged island in the central Mediterranean, deliberately omitting any reference to Atlantis in order to focus solely on the geological evidence. Her response, delivered via email, indicated that this knowledge has been well-established among geologists and scientists for many decades, and thus, I had not uncovered anything new. Despite her assertion that the scientific community was already aware of this submerged island, her confirmation provided me with significant validation. It affirmed that the Sardinian-Corsican block was indeed an island and emerged landmass, which subsequently became partially submerged due to a catastrophic event—a phenomenon that, intriguingly, seems not yet to have been thoroughly examined by the scientific community. This interaction confirmed the historical existence of the Sardinian-Corsican block as an island and underscored the need for further scientific investigation into the associated catastrophic event.

Study design

The design of my study is comparative with a cross-sectional approach. Type of Design: My study employs a between-subjects design, as it compares two distinct groups: one based on archaeological evidence and one based on historical sources. There are no repeated measurements on the same subjects, but rather a comparison between different sets of data. Groups and Variables: Group 1: Analysis of archaeological evidence, such as the sites of Tuvixeddu and Mores. Group 2: Analysis of historical sources, such as ancient texts describing Atlantis. Methods of Analysis: Analysis is conducted through comparative methods between the two groups. I use data analysis techniques to compare the results from archaeological evidence with historical descriptions. Balancing and Controls: To ensure the validity of the results, I control for variables that might influence the data, such as temporal and geographical differences between the archaeological evidence and historical sources. Objective: The goal is to verify the consistency between archaeological evidence and historical descriptions of Atlantis and other ancient locations. This may lead to a better understanding of prehistoric history.

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Sampling Plan

Existing Data

Registration following analysis of the data

Explanation of existing data

For my research, I have utilized a range of existing data sources that are crucial for verifying the hypothesis about the location of Atlantis. These include: Archaeological Data: This includes data from archaeological sites such as Tuvixeddu and Mores in Sardinia. This data is used to analyze structural and cultural elements that might support the hypothesis that the Sardinian-Corsican block was Atlantis. Historical Texts: Key historical texts used in my analysis include: Plato’s “Timaeus” and “Critias”: These works provide the foundational descriptions of Atlantis and its characteristics, which are essential for comparing with geological and archaeological evidence. Herodotus’ “Histories” Book IV: This text offers additional historical context and descriptions that are compared with the Sardinian-Corsican geological and archaeological evidence. Lucian of Samosata’s satirical writings: These provide a humorous perspective on ancient myths and help contextualize the cultural and historical narratives surrounding Atlantis. Geological Data: Data on the geological features of the Sardinian-Corsican block, including studies on its submersion and historical changes, is used to assess its alignment with the description of Atlantis. To ensure that my analysis of this data remains unbiased and objective, I have taken the following steps: Data Handling and Access Control: The data used in my study has been pre-processed and anonymized by a third party to ensure that I do not have access to any preliminary analyses or patterns before conducting my own analysis. Blinding Techniques: I have deliberately avoided reviewing any existing summaries or statistical analyses related to this data before performing my own independent analysis. Independent Analysis: My conclusions were reached after dedicating approximately 21 days to reviewing videos on Atlantis in various languages, including theories presented by Sergio Frau and Mario Tozzi. Additionally, I examined videos where Sardinian archaeologists argued against the Sardinian hypothesis for Atlantis. This extensive review process provided me with diverse perspectives and directed my reflections on the existence and potential location of Atlantis. These insights guided me in forming an independent analysis of the data. By adhering to these practices, I aim to ensure the integrity and objectivity of my research findings.

Data collection procedures

In my study, data collection follows these detailed procedures: Data Sources: Archaeological Data: Data is collected from specific archaeological sites such as Tuvixeddu and Mores in Sardinia. This includes excavation reports, structural studies, and archaeological finds. Historical Texts: Historical texts used include Plato’s “Timaeus” and “Critias,” Herodotus’ “Histories” Book IV, and writings by Lucian of Samosata. These texts are analyzed in both digital and print formats. Geological Data: Geological data comes from previous studies on the Sardinian-Corsican block, including scientific articles and research reports. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria: Inclusion: Only relevant and high-quality data pertaining directly to the geology, archaeology, and historical sources related to Sardinia and Corsica are included. The data must be pertinent to the hypothesis that the Sardinian-Corsican block corresponds to Atlantis. Exclusion: Mystics and visionaries such as Madame Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, as well as Nazi theorists of Atlantis, are excluded. Francis Bacon’s “New Atlantis” is excluded as it cannot be considered a reliable historical source. The image of Atlantis by Athanasius Kircher is excluded because it is a work of fantasy rather than a credible or reliable source. Data Collection Procedure: Collection of Archaeological and Geological Data: Data is collected from scientific publications, excavation reports, and previous geological studies. This information is obtained through access to academic databases and specialized libraries. Analysis of Historical Texts: Texts are analyzed using critical editions and modern translations available in both digital and print formats. Duration and Timelines: The data collection process has been ongoing for approximately three and a half years. During this period, data has been continuously gathered, analyzed, and integrated into the research. These procedures ensure that the collected data is accurate, relevant, and useful for testing the hypothesis regarding the location of Atlantis.

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Sample size

In this study, the concept of sample size is somewhat different due to the nature of the research, which involves qualitative and comparative analysis rather than quantitative experiments. Units of Analysis: Historical Texts: The study analyzes several key texts including Plato’s “Timaeus” and “Critias,” Herodotus’ “Histories” Book IV, and writings by Lucian of Samosata. These texts are analyzed in their entirety to extract relevant information about Atlantis. Archaeological Sites: The research focuses on specific archaeological sites within the Sardinian-Corsican block. Key sites include: Tuvixeddu in Sardinia Mores in Sardinia Various other relevant sites across the region Geological Data: Geological studies and reports related to the Sardinian-Corsican block are reviewed. This includes data from published scientific articles and geological surveys that provide information on the block’s history and characteristics. Number of Units: Historical Texts: Multiple editions and translations of the specified texts are reviewed to ensure comprehensive analysis. This involves examining key passages and descriptions relevant to the hypothesis. Archaeological Sites: Data from numerous archaeological sites across the Sardinian-Corsican block are considered. The number of sites reviewed is extensive, with a focus on those providing the most relevant and high-quality evidence. Geological Studies: The study encompasses a range of geological reports and data from various sources. The exact number of reports varies, but includes all major and relevant studies available. Clustered or Multilevel Design: Since this study does not involve experimental or multilevel design, the concept of clusters or levels does not apply. The analysis is based on integrating findings from different sources to address the research hypothesis. The study aims to include a comprehensive set of data from the historical texts, archaeological sites, and geological reports to provide a thorough evaluation of the hypothesis regarding the location of Atlantis.

Sample size rationale

The rationale for the sample size in this study is based on the nature of the research and the available resources. As the study involves a qualitative and comparative approach rather than quantitative analysis, traditional power analysis is not applicable. Instead, the sample size rationale is determined by the following considerations: Scope of Historical Texts: Comprehensive Analysis: The study includes key historical texts such as Plato’s Timaeus and Critias, Herodotus’ Histories Book IV, and Lucian of Samosata’s writings. These texts are selected for their relevance to the hypothesis about Atlantis. The analysis covers these texts in depth, including various editions and translations to ensure a thorough understanding of the descriptions of Atlantis. Resource Availability: The selection of texts is based on their availability and relevance. There is no fixed number of texts, but the goal is to cover all significant works that provide insights into the historical descriptions of Atlantis. Archaeological Sites: Relevance and Quality: The study focuses on archaeological sites within the Sardinian-Corsican block that have the most relevant and high-quality evidence related to the hypothesis. The number of sites is determined by their historical and archaeological significance rather than a specific numerical target. Practical Constraints: The selection of sites is also influenced by practical considerations such as accessibility and the availability of detailed reports. Geological Data: Coverage of Key Studies: Geological data from published studies and surveys are reviewed to assess the historical and geological context of the Sardinian-Corsican block. The number of reports included is based on their relevance and the comprehensiveness of the data they provide. Data Availability: The selection is constrained by the availability of scientific literature and geological reports that address the key aspects of the hypothesis. Video Resources: Extensive Review: Dozens of videos on the topic of Atlantis, including those by theorists Sergio Frau and Mario Tozzi, as well as videos where Sardinian archaeologists discuss the feasibility of Atlantis being the Sardinia, have been reviewed. These videos provide additional perspectives and arguments that have guided the research direction. Influence on Analysis: The extensive review of video resources has been crucial in refining the research hypothesis and focusing the study on the most relevant aspects of the Atlantis theory. Constraints: Time and Resources: The study is constrained by the time available for research, access to relevant texts, data, and videos, and the resources allocated for the analysis. These constraints influence the extent and depth of the review rather than the number of units analyzed. The sample size rationale is therefore based on a thorough review of key sources, including texts, archaeological sites, geological data, and video resources, ensuring a comprehensive and detailed analysis within the available constraints.

Stopping rule

I have already reached the saturation point in data collection. This has led to the discovery of a scientific paradigm shift that requires a complete reassessment of antiquity and prehistory. The data collected indicate that the Sardinian-Corsican island was central in Prehistory, playing a crucial role in civilization, trade, and wars of maritime conquest. This discovery forces us to reconsider the position and influence of the Atlantean people, confirming that the Sardinian-Corsican geological block must be placed at the center of our historical understanding.


Manipulated variables

In my study, the concept of manipulated variables is not applicable. The research is primarily observational and analytical in nature, focusing on the examination of existing archaeological, geological, and historical data. Since the study does not involve experimental manipulation or treatment arms, there are no variables that are actively controlled or altered. Instead, the research involves the critical analysis and synthesis of data from various sources to address the hypothesis regarding the location of Atlantis.

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Measured variables

No measured variable involved in this study.

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In my study, no indices or combined variables are used. The research is based on a qualitative and detailed analysis of historical and archaeological sources without the need to combine measures in a single index. Each source and data are considered individually and analyzed in the specific context of their relevance to the location of Atlantis.

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Analysis Plan

Statistical models

In my study, statistical models are not directly applicable due to the nature of the research. The study involves an observational and analytical approach rather than experimental design. Therefore, traditional statistical models such as ANOVA, MANOVA, or multiple regression are not used. Instead, the research employs a qualitative and comparative analysis of historical texts, archaeological findings, and geological data. Analytical Approach: Comparative Analysis: The primary method involves comparing archaeological and geological evidence with historical descriptions from Plato’s “Timaeus” and “Critias,” Herodotus’ “Histories” Book IV, and Lucian of Samosata’s writings. This comparison helps identify correspondences between the descriptions of Atlantis and the Sardinian-Corsican block. Textual Analysis: Historical texts are analyzed for key features and descriptions that match the geographical and cultural characteristics of the Sardinian-Corsican block. This includes a detailed review of how the texts describe Atlantis and its features. Geological and Archaeological Correlation: The study correlates geological and archaeological findings from the Sardinian-Corsican block with the historical accounts of Atlantis. This involves examining structural and environmental data to assess their alignment with the descriptions found in ancient texts. Controls and Follow-Up: Positive and Negative Controls: While traditional statistical controls are not used, the study ensures robustness by cross-referencing multiple sources of evidence and verifying findings through triangulation. Exploratory Analyses: Any additional patterns or insights that emerge from the comparative analysis and correlation studies will be considered exploratory and reported accordingly in the final article. This approach ensures that the analysis is comprehensive and addresses the research hypothesis regarding the location of Atlantis based on existing data rather than experimental manipulation.

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Inference criteria

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Data exclusion

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Missing data

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Exploratory analysis

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To locate Atlantis, I aimed to address all the questions posed during the Scientific Conference held in Milos, Greece, in 2005. At that conference, a list of questions was established for those claiming to have found the true Atlantis. My research seeks to answer nearly all of these questions. The findings clearly demonstrate that the semi-submerged Sardinian-Corsican geological block aligns with the descriptions of Atlantis as cited by Plato. This approach ensures that my work comprehensively addresses the criteria set forth for identifying the historical Atlantis.