• Mer. Feb 12th, 2025

Atlantis is real: Official discovery of Atlantis, language and migrations

Atlantis is the Sardo Corso Graben Horst underwater continental block submerged by the Meltwater Pulses and destroyed by a subduction zone, Capital is Sulcis

Gefunden von Luigi Usai das mythologische Labyrinth von Lemnos


Ago 10, 2022
Trovato da Luigi Usai il mitologico labirinto di Lemno.
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Die außergewöhnliche Nachricht ist in seinem neuesten Buch mit dem Titel „Urbanistica preistorica“ („Prähistorischer Städtebau“) veröffentlicht.

Nur wenige Bilder werden gezeigt, um der wissenschaftlichen Welt die Güte der Entdeckung zu demonstrieren.

Trovato da Luigi Usai il mitologico labirinto di Lemno.
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Found by Luigi Usai the mythological labyrinth of Lemnos
Copertina del libro scritto dal filosofo Luigi Usai intitolato Urbanistica preistorica