Has Atlantis been discovered? Yes, Luigi Usai found it. Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican half submerged graben-horst Geological block.
Is there any evidence of the lost city of Atlantis? yes, thousands: You can find an answer here: www.atlantisfound.it
Did they find Atlantis in Africa? No, it’s a bullshit.
What are Plato’s 51 clues to Atlantis? You can find an answer here: www.atlantisfound.it
Did Google Earth find Atlantis? No, Luigi Usai find it: Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican half submerged graben-horst Geological block
Is Atlantis real or myth? Atlantis is real:
Atlantis is the Sardinian Corsican half submerged graben-horst Geological block
What proof is there that Atlantis existed? You can read hundreds of scientific proofs here: www.atlantisfound.it
Has anyone ever tried to find Atlantis? Yes, billions of people but everyone failed except for Dr. Luigi Usai.
Who told Plato about Atlantis? Plato and the greeks learnt about Atlantis from Sonchis of Sais, an Egiptian prist who told Solon, who told the greeks.
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